How OOH Managers Can Verify Hoarding Installations with Field Staff Tracking Software

Ensure Proof of Performance for OOH Teams with Field staff Tracking Software

Field Staff tracking software, through its spatial technology, provides proof of the hoarding installation team’s work.

Outdoor advertising is an impactful marketing form to reach wider audience base. Brands are using hoardings to captivate the target audience’s attention.

It is the job of out-of-home (OOH) agencies to ensure that the campaign is in action. They have to make sure that hoardings are installed and maintained. To do that, they have field employees. They are assigned areas to install advertisements.

But what is a must is visibility and verification that the job is being done right and on time. Field staff tracking software has geofencing and geo-tagged images, which provide proof of performance.

Let’s read about the challenges OOH managers face and how the software is helping overcome them.

Challenges OOH Managers Face in Tracking Hoarding Installation Teams

Certain challenges confront OOH managers while managing hoarding installation teams. Knowing these difficulties will help them realise how important it is to use field employee tracking software for the OOH team.

1. Lack of real-time updates and transparency

Tracking your heading team manually will lead to delays. Also, there is a chance that the employees may report late completion, causing uncertainty.

Without real-time updates, advertisers struggle to verify hoarding installation accuracy and timing. Miscommunication between teams is also rising, ultimately causing trust issues and missed deadlines. 

Also, lack of transparency will make it hard to hold OOH teams accountable.

2. Manual verification inefficiencies and errors

Traditional verification methods are slow and unreliable. This will require inspectors to visit sites to inspect headings physically. Also, each company has certain KPIs or instructions. 

Reports or photos may get lost, causing verification issues.

Coordinating over calls results in miscommunication. Paper records are hard to track, creating loopholes for fraud. Without automation, the process remains inefficient and unreliable.

3. Discrepancy in Field Data

Mismatched data creates confusion and delays decision-making. Field staff may record installation details incorrectly. Differences in reported and actual locations cause disputes.

If timestamps are missing, verifying the timing of installations becomes difficult. Inconsistent reporting formats make it hard to compare data across different teams.

Without accurate data, advertisers may struggle to ensure proper execution. Data discrepancies reduce reliability and can lead to financial losses for brands and agencies.

How Field Force Management Software Helps with Providing Proof of Hoarding Installation Teams

1. Visits Verification

The best way to verify the OOH team’s visits and performance is through tracking. By geofencing the task locations, the managers receive notification whenever an employee enters/exits a location.

Another way is using live, self-updating dashboards. On them you can view – 

  • Current location of each field employee.
  • Task status or current task they are working on.
  • No. of tasks completed or pending.

Additionally, you can view their location on a live map. Isn’t this kind of proof you were looking for?

2. Geo-tagged Images and Proofs

When you use Field staff tracking software for OOH Team, you automatically enhance the visibility of operations. And when it comes to gaining proof of performance, the software takes it very seriously.

You can ask or make it mandatory for the hoarding installation team to share geotagged pictures of their tasks.  Time-stamped photos provide undeniable proof of installation.

Field teams can upload images instantly, reducing verification delays. This ensures authenticity and prevents fraudulent claims. Managers and clients can review installations remotely, eliminating the need for on-site inspections and making the process more efficient and reliable.

These images are stamped with –  

  • Live coordinates 
  • Timestamp and date
  • Coordinates 
  • DMS Format

Also, OOH managers have the option to limit access to the gallery. This way, the employees will have to click images from the app each time.

Employees can upload geotagged images for verifying their work

Employees can upload geotagged images for verifying their work

3. Geofenced Attendance Marking

Geofenced attendance management solution is one of the best for verifying on-field presence of remote workforce. The solution allows field employees to mark attendance only from the first task location. This prevents false check-ins or time thefts.

Field service tracking for OOH advertising also offers visual verification. It is where the field teams have to click their photo from the app to mark attendance. A sort of visual proof which is again geotagged.

Managers can verify that staff are at the right place during installation. This boosts workforce accountability, improves operational efficiency, and ensures timely execution of hoarding campaigns.

4. Task and Territory Assigning

Automated task allocation ensures every installation is assigned, tracked, and completed as planned. You can even assign them territories of operations. Managers can monitor progress in real time, reducing delays. They can view – 

  • The time the task started/ended
  • Who it was assigned to
  • Location it was started and completed

You get a complete timeline of the tasks along with replay travel route history. This proof of performance further solidifies OOH team’s presence on the field. Also, target vs. achievement reports provided clarity into the task progress of each field workforce. Using the data, you can make further strategic decisions.

Predefined workflows ensure compliance with standards. Automated task management minimizes miscommunication, enhances efficiency, and guarantees that hoardings are installed correctly and on schedule.

Task details, location details and work verification happening on TrackoField app!

Task details, location details and work verification happening on TrackoField app!

5. Real Time Field Activities Tracking

Real-time tracking is an efficient tool for tracking hoarding installation teams. The field staff tracking software for OOH teams helps accurately track their movement. Managers can see live updates, ensuring timely hoarding installations.

OOH managers also receive notification when their employees switch off their GPS. And since teams are also deployed to rural areas where networks are not strong, offline tracking is helpful. You can also view the employees’ network status.

This prevents false reporting and enhances accountability, making verification faster, more accurate, and fully transparent. 


Field Staff tracking software for OOH teams is a great tool for increasing installation accuracy and team accountability. Each tool has multiple functions and automates tracking and gathering proof of performance. No extra mile has to be travelled to gather authentic data.

TrackoField is offering field force automation software that OOH marketing agencies can leverage. This software can increase the efficiency of operations and the hoarding installation team. The industry stands to gain a lot from this software.

Contact us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does field staff tracking software help verify hoarding installations?

    Field staff tracking software verifies hoarding installations by capturing geo-tagged images as proof of performance. It ensures that hoardings are installed at the correct locations and as per client requirements. This eliminates manual verification hassles and enhances transparency in outdoor advertising operations.

  • Can field tracking software help prevent fraud in outdoor advertising?

    Yes, field tracking software prevents fraud by providing real-time location tracking, geo-tagged images, and digital proof of on-site visits. It eliminates false claims, ghost installations, and discrepancies in advertising campaigns, ensuring brands get the visibility they paid for.

  • How can geofencing improve hoarding installation tracking?

    Geofencing enables automated tracking by defining virtual boundaries around hoarding sites. When field agents enter or exit these zones, the system logs their movements. This ensures timely installations, accurate reporting, and minimizes discrepancies, making hoarding tracking more efficient and reliable.

  • How does real-time tracking enhance efficiency in hoarding installations?

    Real-time tracking allows managers to monitor field agents' movements, ensuring timely installations. It helps optimize routes, allocate resources efficiently, and promptly address delays or issues. This improves productivity, reduces operational costs, and ensures seamless execution of hoarding installation projects.

How OOH Managers Can Verify Hoarding Installations with Field Staff Tracking Software
Tithi Agarwal

Tithi Agarwal is an established content marketing specialist with years of experience in Telematics and the SaaS domain. With a strong background in literature and industrial expertise in technical wr... Read More

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