Field Force Management: Key to Employee Accountability

Field Force Management for Accountability

Field force management software provides insights and visibility, which increases on-site staff accountability.

There are two critical facets to accountability- communication and visibility. Both are difficult to achieve when managing the field force manually.

But how field force management software can increase accountability among your field employees?

With the software, managers can access all the essential data without asking for it. This helps to gain visibility of staff’s tasks and location status. And with enhanced visibility, you automatically gain accountability. Also, employees work extra hard when they know you can view their activities.

What is Field Force Management and How Does It Help With Increased Accountability?

Field force management refers to managing remote employees and resources optimally. This entails –

  • Tracking on-site workforce in real-time
  • Optimally creating and scheduling their tasks
  • Assigning tasks and dispatching employees who are best for it
  • Lastly, analyzing the performance quality and productivity of staff.

This way, managers can manage and control every aspect of the operation. Thus increasing chances of success and customer satisfaction.

Conversely, lacking field force management can lead to –

  • Customer disappointment,
  • Low productivity,
  • And misuse and wastage of resources.

But with the software managers can streamline field operations and improve workflows.

One of the most crucial aspects of field force management is – accountability. It is beneficial for both managers and employees.

Managers need accountability to prevent the adverse outcomes of failed field operations. Employees need accountability to ensure that their work is visible to the managers.

With the integration of employee tracking software, accountability comes naturally. This is because the software facilitates the two important parts of accountability –

  • communication and
  • visibility converge.

This is where the inbuilt chat box feature comes in. It allows managers and field employees to connect lucratively.

  • First, it makes it easy for employees to ask their queries directly to the concerned person. This leaves them with no excuse not to perform the task expertly.
  • Second, the software’s live tracking provides managers with real-time information. This eliminates the need to call employees for location updates and task status.

Thus, investing in the platform is a wise and valid need.


How Field Force Management Software Benefits in Amplifying Accountability

For field managers, visibility is important, and for field reps. accountability is essential. The software is designed to provide both and much more.

1. Visibility and Accountability

A key benefit of field force management software is enhanced visibility and accountability. Real-time tracking and geo-tagging enhance visibility for managers. Thus, allowing them to monitor operations efficiently.

This increased visibility, in turn, promotes accountability among employees. This is beneficial because employees know that each task is being acknowledged. Employees will willingly exceed expectations.

2. Real-Time Metrics and Tracking

The software enables real-time tracking of remote employees and team activities. It allows managers even to track the bandwidth and productivity of each employee. This helps in assigning emergency tasks. Furthermore, the system tracks and records the route the reps take.

TrackoField provides visibility into field operations

TrackoField provides visibility into field operations

3. Enhanced Productivity

Through the software, tracking the employee’s work time and progress becomes possible. This helps increase productivity and helps foster an effective workforce.

Moreover, through its automated features like –

  • Geocoded attendance and leave,
  • Custom fields and forms,
  • Digitization of expense & other processes,
  • Advanced task assigining, etc.,

This way employees get more time to focus on the more important work. They can avoid draining away time and effort on mundane and repetitive tasks.

4. Enhanced Efficiency and Flexibility

The system allows managers to handle glitches and problems efficiently through metrics. With auto-generated real-time reports, managers know each employee’s potential and productivity. This prompt action can save you from losing out on big deals and clients.

And since the field employee tracking software helps remote working. All data is accessible on the cloud based executive app.

5. Automation of Mundane Tasks

The platform automates repetitive tasks to support the on-site workforce.

For example, features like bulk task upload automate task assigning. Thus, saving a lot of time for managers and employees. Unlike the manual method, which is full of errors and time-consuming.

Field Force Management Important Features That Heighten Field Teams’ Accountability

No size fits all; the same goes for field force management software. For example, a door-to-door sales and marketing company’s requirements differ from a company offering AC servicing. And TrackoField understands this. And that is why it offers elastics customisation of its solutions and features.

1. Attendance and Leave Management

Only the best field force management software, like TrackoField, provides geocoded attendance. Through it, the presence of the field reps gets marked once they reach their first task location. This eliminates the need for employees to commute to the office daily to mark their presence. Furthermore, chances of buddy punching, time theft, and faulty attendance get reduced.

Through leave management, remote employees can apply for leave directly from the field. They can do so through the executive app. The request is visible to managers, who, too, can react to it remotely. In addition, they have an analytical dashboard. Managers can view the employees’ history and upcoming leaves.

2. Live Tracking and Updates

Real time tracking plays a big part in gaining visibility and accountability. The system tracks employees’ whereabouts live. Thus, the managers no longer need to call reps for updates.

3. Task Management Solution

With features like bulk task uploading, managers can assign tasks and schedules one month in advance. The same is visible to employees on their field employee app daily. This helps to bring clarity into their work as they know exactly where to go and do what.

Additionally, managers can track each field employee’s task list and follow the status of tasks. This further helps to bring accountability into their work.

4. In Built Chat Box

As stated before, communication is one of the main components of accountability, and that is reason enough to provide an in-built chat box. The managers and employees lucratively discuss tasks, doubts, or queries through it. It also helps send broadcast messages and share videos, texts, voice notes, and pictures.

5. Remote Reimbursement Process

To keep your remote workforce motivated, it’s crucial to incentivize them. Providing them with quick and easy methods for raising reimbursement claims helps. They can do it remotely by uploading the amount or bill photos on the app. The claim request will be visible to the concerned managers to approve or override.

The employees no longer need to save and deposit bills in the accounts department. Nor do they need to constantly inquire as they can track the status of their claim request in live on the app.

6. Analytical Reports

Metrics are important if you want visibility in your field operations. What better way than real-time analytical reports to provide that visibility? These reports are automated and display accurate data on the entire operation and of all the field employees. This helps to measure the productivity and performance quality of the employees.

Bring In Accountability With TrackoField

Communication and visibility: the two main parts of accountability can easily be achieved; all you have to do is adopt a field force management system. Through it, managers have access to real-time metrics and tracking, which will bring in visibility, and as for communication, it is being achieved through features like an in-built chat box.

TrackoField is field force management software bound to suit your every need because its technically advanced solutions and features can be customized to match all your needs.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can field force management software prevent time theft?

    Yes, the software can help prevent time theft. It does so through with -
    - GPS tracking
    - Geofencing,
    - And automated check-ins.
    It ensures employees are working at assigned locations during designated hours.

  • How does real-time tracking benefit managers?

    It provides visibility into workforce activities. This helps in quick decision-making and ensures better resource allocation.

Field Force Management: Key to Employee Accountability
Tithi Agarwal

Tithi Agarwal is an established content marketing specialist with years of experience in Telematics and the SaaS domain. With a strong background in literature and industrial expertise in technical wr... Read More

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