Six Reasons to Invest in a Field Force Management System

Six Reasons to Invest in a Field Force Management System

Imagine, manually handling a workforce of hundred employees. Sounds tough, right? The window this opens for errors can be damaging to any business.

Now to add fuel to this fire, imagine the same scenario with a deskless labour force. A nightmare indeed! This is why we are here to open your eyes to the potential of field force management system to completely transform your business operations. 

Why Should I Invest in a Field Force Management System?

While we can think of endless benefits your business can achieve by investing in an employee management system, here are the ones we believe top the list. From monetary gains to higher productivity, your business can do it all with software aid.

Data Collection

We are shifting towards a world that will operate on data exchange, making it the new currency. This shift is already quite visible with businesses in possession of data ruling their industry. Better tomorrow than now, your business also needs to adopt such practices for a brighter future. Employee tracking software can aid this process, making it ten folds easier.

With manual management methods, not only is data collection inefficient but also has a huge margin for errors. What use is data with incorrect information? Automation bridges this gap easily, reducing human involvement. The two types of data-collecting procedures the system executes are:

  • Documentation: Every employee working for the company is registered on the application. This makes their information easily accessible to managers. The managers have a definitive number of executives working under the company. This makes it easy to keep track of their productivity as well.
  • Report Generation: Reports generated by the system aim to highlight all the shortcomings of a business’ operations. They compare data and present it in an easily comprehensible manner for managers’ understanding. Studying this data opens up the opportunity for managers to make changes to their business as per the requirement. 

Both these forms of data collection help build a well-defined database for the business. This database forms the groundwork for any other operational optimization that takes place using this software.

Data Collection Made Simple and Accessible

Task Execution

Managers assigning tasks to each employee is the first step in a field force business’s functioning. But this process cannot be done at random. Managers need to allot tasks only after understanding the strong and weak points of their employees. But this procedure is time-draining, costing businesses’ overall performance.

This is why the task management solution allows managers to assign personalised tasks to employees after proper study of their productivity reports. This also opens up the gates for businesses to devise training programs for their executives, working on their shortcomings. Thus, they can build a strong and reliable workforce.

A well-maintained workforce can help businesses boost their productivity, ultimately translating to monetary benefit.

Customer Relations

Good customer relations are built with a lot of effort but can be deterred by just a single bad experience. A customer who has experienced bad service is three times more likely to share their account with others. This comes at the expense of a business’s reputation. So how can businesses ensure that their field force meets the expectations of their customers?

“Customer service should not be a department. It should be the entire company.” – Tony Hsieh

A prompt workforce is the face of a good and responsible business. Using the field force management system, managers can ensure that their employees reach task sites on time. They can also moderate their quality via constant communication.

The field force management system also allows feedback collection using customisable forms. Executives can add personalised fields to them, not having to stick to any pre-made templates.

Speedily Functioning

 “Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can’t afford to lose.” – Thomas Edison

Which one do you think customers prefer- a fast and accurate service or one that portrays time inefficiency? The choice is obvious, isn’t it? A normal field force wastes time at each step of management. Some issues that might lead to business inefficiency are communication, payment, salesforce operations, and travelling.

Let us see how the employee tracking system targets each of these issues:

  • Communication: In-built chatboxes ensure that employees do not have to switch to third-party applications. This conserves time and also keeps their information safe within one platform only. 
  • Payment: Traditionally, payment requests go through many steps of approval. This can be the reason for frustration among employees. The expense management solution is thus designed to automate this process and reduce the number of steps involved.
  • Travelling: A major chunk of the task completion process is the travelling executives do to reach task locations. Added travelling to offices for marking attendance is a burden and also wasteful. This is why the attendance management system uses geospatial data for automatic attendance marking, eliminating the need for in-person appearance.

Improving Employer-Employee Relation

Employee-Employer Relations

Employees are essentially who execute tasks for businesses, being the face of the company that works with their customers. This is why managers need to find a good balance between the needs of their employees to eliminate dissatisfaction. 

An employee who receives clear and easy instructions for task execution will be more productive on the field. They will not have to constantly contact their managers for instructions and doubts. Task management solution makes this possible. For employees that receive a commission for every task they complete, this can be a huge encouragement. 

The field force management software promotes visibility between employees and managers. This means hard work never goes unnoticed. Executives can open up their chances of earning incentives and promotions as well.

Remote Working

Have no means to contact your workforce? This Field Force software is here to rescue you. Through its live tracking feature, managers have access to their employees’ locations in real-time. This feature can eliminate the need for constant questioning from both the manager’s and the employee’s end. 

Even mundane tasks like attendance marking required employees to travel to the office, demanding more monetary expenditure. This system also forces executives to spend a major chunk of their time travelling instead of focusing on their tasks. 

Using the attendance management feature of the system, employees can cut down their travelling and instead mark their attendance right from their task locations. Even in regions with a low network, the system continues tracking the employee’s location which becomes visible to the managers once the signal is recovered.


We hope you have now realised just how beneficial investing in a field force management system can be. Not only does it help you manage your employees better, but also steadies the company to be profitable. So what are you waiting for? 

Check out TrackoField, the leading field force management system in the market. Its dynamic solutions can help your labour force function much more efficiently. With all these tools to optimise, managers get a lot of time to focus on other operations of the business as opposed to earlier when their entire focus was on managing their workforce.

Six Reasons to Invest in a Field Force Management System
Ayushi Nagalia

Ayushi Nagalia is a Senior Content Specialist at TrackoBit. She is passionate about music, writing, and reading. When not abusing her keyboard, you will find her lost in her playlists or organizing th...Read More

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