Employee Absconding on Rise: Strategic Ways to Deal With it!

Employee absconding is on rise and no joke. Discover which strategic ways can help you mitigate absconding employee cases and get past their negative implications in the long run.

Dealing with employee absconders is frightening for any business of any kind or size. After all, it’s the employees who make the organisation stable and successful. Few employees leaving once in a blue moon is not a serious situation. But imagine that happening on a frequent basis. Isn’t that scary? If that’s the case with your organisation too then you need to sit back and internalize the possible reasons why it could be happening.

And once you are done doing that, you need to adopt the following methods that can help mitigate such a situation to a certain level.

What is Employee Absconding?

An Absconding employee is someone who quits the job without giving notice or communicating the same to their superior. When it happens on a frequent basis and in a huge quantity, it causes disruption and inconvenience to the organisation.

Even though this situation is gray and upsetting, don’t worry we have managed to share some tactical ways in the following. Ways to help you effectively manage these circumstances without much intervention.

Disadvantages of Absconding

How to Deal with Absconders? Some Proven Tips

Tip 1- Identify Causes for Employee Absconding

Before you act on the issue, know about the employee absconding root causes. Circulate a survey to determine possible reasons for the increase in absconding cases. Is it because of uneven payouts, cultural issues, or flaws at the management end? Try to put a finger on such issues. Recognizing such reasons will help you better devise some preventive measures.

Tip 2 – Establish Clear Communication Channels

Many times, it’s a closed-off environment that’s responsible for employees leaving without giving any clarity. Make sure to have an open and communicative work environment wherein employees feel free to express and share their challenges. Many enterprises vouch for an “open door policy”, wherein employees can freely walk into the cabin of any manager in the chain of command.

Moreover, try encouraging and rewarding employees with regular feedback sessions. This will help them feel heard and valued and would help reduce their dissatisfaction.

Tip 3 – Set in “Strong Exit Protocols”

Reinforce some effective and clear exit protocols. Convery clear expectations regarding serving notice periods, complying with exit interviews, and also pre-define the lawful repercussions of departing abruptly or without proper notice.

Make sure to clearly define procedures that can stand against them and add to some serious implications for their future. If you don’t have an employee absconding policy Indian or international based, already in place, it’s high time you plan and draft it now!

Tip 4 – Schedule Regular “One-on-One” Meetings

Make sure to set some time apart to have regular check-ins or discussions with employees. This will help you identify potential issues impacting their motives to stay and serve for longer. Doing this meet-up in a timely manner will help you act before the issues escalate. Also, it is important that managers foster an environment where employees feel free to share their concerns, and causes of dissatisfaction.

Tip 5 – Use Technology for Tracking

Workforce management software comprising location, attendance, and leaves-related data can be helpful in getting insights into employee behaviour and intentions. Based on such data, you can identify their absenteeism trends, frequency of time off work. And know how serious or determined they are towards their work.

This technological integration will be a smart move that will definitely help you identify the potential risks like absconding employees. And will give you enough room to address or act on them proactively.

Tip 5 – Analyze the Immediate Impact

When faced with an employee’s abrupt departure, it’s crucial to assess the immediate impact on ongoing projects and responsibilities. Then you would have to cautiously distribute the workload among existing team members. Or maybe even have to seek temporary or contractual staff that can support you in the continuity of operational tasks.

Tip 6 – Learn, Take a Lesson, and Move On

Take absconding as a lesson to treat existing employees with utmost care and concern. Post-absconding…

  • Schedule an exit interview with existing employees
  • Evaluate the current scenarios or circumstances
  • And learn from the experience to help strengthen future preventive strategies.

Analyzing these incidents can provide valuable insights into potential areas for improvement within the organization.

The above methods are useful in ending your query  — how to deal with absconders. Now, let’s reflect on the possible reasons why employees or staff prefer to abscond without prior intimation.

Key Reasons for Absconding – Why Employees Abscond?

✔ Better or attractive job offer or career advancement elsewhere.

✔ Workplace issues like pressurising work environments or unresolved conflicts.

✔ Personal reasons like health issues or family emergencies.

✔ Burnout or job dissatisfaction due to heavy workload or lack of job satisfaction.

✔ Less payout or unfair compensation.

✔ Lack of attachment or disconnection from the workplace.

Termination Letter for Absconding Employee – Sample Template!

Here’s a draft letter that you can refer to and edit (as required) while dealing with employee absconding cases in India.

Dear (Name of Absconded Employee),

This concerns your termination of employment from (Name of organization).

You have left your job without giving the authorities any notice. Our HR Department attempted to reach you on your mobile, but you did not answer the call or let the company know about your whereabouts. This is incredibly unethical and unprofessional. As a result, the company was forced to fire you for disciplinary reasons.

We would like to notify you that, in accordance with the terms of the employment offer from the company, you have not provided the appropriate notice. Additionally, you have not turned in the charge by the deadline. Please find attached your final separation payment in accordance with the terms of your appointment. We would like to inform you that, in order to cover the notice period, you must pay Rs. ____________. Kindly make plans to pay to complete your relieving formalities.

With Regards

Authorize Person

Note – If such a sudden employee absconding costs you any damage, you can add an amount as well towards the end.

“Employee Absconding” – Reduce it With Field Force Management Software

TrackoField as a workforce management software comes with an array of features and functionalities that are proven to mitigate or minimize absconding cases at the workplace.

1. Real-time Location Tracking

Field force management software brings out GPS capabilities, which lets managers track the location of their employees in real-time. With this you can monitor the locational movements, distance travelled and task progress of employees during their working hours.

The software intimates you about any slight deviations from planned tasks or schedules, leading to a potential attempt to abscond.

2. Geo-fencing

Modern field workforce management software offers options to set up virtual boundaries. Meaning whenever an employee enters or leaves the geofenced area, managers receive an instant alert.

This makes it easy to look into the situation before employees completely disappear out of thin air.

3. Geo-coded Attendance Management

Biometric attendance isn’t that reliable when you are field staff with frequent to and fro movements. Imagine field staff out in the field to deliver important goods or on the way to fulfill service requests — but never reaching the prescribed location?  The software involves geocoding attendance marking, visual verification, geofenced check-ins/outs, and task-based time tracking.

All these let managers easily spot unauthorized absences from assigned shifts, which could be a potential sign of employee absconding.

4. Real-time Communication

Field force management software comes with in-built instant messaging or chatting options. Managers and executives can share voice calls or video conferencing. Without wasting time, both parties can reach out to each other and work to address some issues that are causing employee dissatisfaction or adding strongly to the likelihood of absconding.

5. Detailed Performance Monitoring

This scaling field force management software makes it easy for you to track down a few important performance metrics:

  • Sales numbers
  • Customer satisfaction scores
  • Task completion rates

Based on the above gathered information, you can easily identify employees who are underperforming or are simply outliers. You will know which employee(s) are more likely to flee from their jobs out of dissatisfaction or maybe out of fear of being fired.

Once you know about employee absconding, possible reasons for such occurrences, it’s time to take proactive measures to address performance issues first.

Here’s Your Final Takeaway!

The reasons for absconding in India stem from various reasons mainly as —- not justified payscale, poor working conditions, or better work employment opportunities from elsewhere.

Absconding is a common issue but can become serious when it happens in a consistent, frequent, and huge ratio. Imagine each month losing over 10 employees. With the above strategies and technological integration, you can fight off its negative implications and work towards measures that ensure you don’t lose over your staff and mind in the near future.

All things considered, Field employee management software like TrackoField can be an effective tool for companies looking to lower employee theft by enhancing performance management, visibility, and communication.

Did you hear, we are currently giving a 7-day free trial?

Stop Absconding Before it Takes Place

Frequently Asked Questions on Employee Absconding!

  • What is employee absconding?

    Employee absconding is an act wherein any desk-led, remote, or field employee flees away from their job site — that too without informing or discussing with their line managers. Or it could be any manager in the chain of command.

  • What disciplinary action against absconding employees can enterprises take?

    If the employee absconds, the employer holds full right to:
    - Hold back the full and final settlement of the employee along with the relieving letter.
    - Take legal actions as prescribed in the contract or agreement (if any).
    - Give negative reviews on the international register.

  • How to terminate an absconding employee?

    To terminate or end the contractual services of an absconded employee, you can:
    - Send formal notice.
    - Start by drafting an official termination email.
    - Document attempts to contact.
    - Seek advice from HR or legal professionals.

  • How to deal with employee absconding cases in India?

    You can either Initiate a conversation with an employee about company protocols or to seek explanations. And depending on the situation, you can consider legal implications as per Indian employment laws and regulations.

  • What are the popular reasons for employee absconding?

    Employees abscond when they feel there is an: Unequal distribution of pay
    - Lack of learning curve
    - Biased and restrictive work environment
    - Lack of competitive and growth-driven work opportunities
    - Poor recognition of efforts

  • Is absconding the same as termination?

    Absconding and termination, both are poles apart. Absconding is when the employee leaves without informing their hiring managers. Whereas, termination is when management decides to put an end to employment services, after a thorough performance evaluation.

  • How to deal with employee absconding cases letter?

    Draft a professional letter addressing the employee absenteeism. The letter should detail consequences and future expectations regarding attendance.

  • How to deal with absconding employees?

    To deal with absconding employees:
    - Inform the HR and finance department.
    - Document the absence with the attendance management system.
    - Attempt to contact the employee to seek an explanation.
    - Follow company exit protocol.
    - Consider legal actions or disciplinary measures (if need arises).

Employee Absconding on Rise: Strategic Ways to Deal With it!
Nandita Gupta

Nandita is the Team Lead for Content Marketing at TrackoBit, bringing over a decade of experience in B2B, B2C, and IoT sectors. She has a proven track record of helping Read More

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