Vehicle Health Monitoring System: Benefits, Features & How it Works?

What Is Vehicle Health Monitoring System

Vehicle health can make or break your fleet. Make sure you always opt for the ‘make’ with good vehicle health monitoring systems.

Unexpected vehicle breakdowns and costly repairs must be a huge hassle for you as a fleet manager, right? So, what if we tell you that you can be rid of these problems by always knowing what is going on under the hood of your vehicle? What if you can find a system that can constantly monitor your vehicle’s health and give you real-time updates on potential problems? 

Well, it is all possible now through a Vehicle Health Monitoring System through a fleet management software. In this blog, we will explore what exactly this technology is and how it can benefit your fleet’s operations.

What is a Vehicle Health Monitoring System?

With the overall technical landscape on a rise, it’s not a surprise that fleet technology is boosting as well. So why deal with pesky and unexpected vehicle breakdowns when you can handle it all with a fleet management software and its vehicle health monitoring system? 

vehicle health monitoring system

The primary purpose of a vehicle health monitoring system is to track the vehicle’s hardware and its performance. Ensure that things such as engine heating, tyre pressure, transmission, and other metrics are on the right track, and report if there are any possible malfunctions detected. 

Using a vehicle health monitoring system with your fleet management software can help you both maintain your vehicles and manage driver behaviour. 

One of the biggest benefits of vehicle health tracking systems is that they can predict possible breakdowns. This way, your business and drivers’ chances of taking a hit due to the unexpected fall significantly. A good vehicle health monitoring software can also provide you with possible fixes for the problems your fleet is facing in terms of performance and health. 

Why Do You Monitor Vehicle Health?

When you’re working hard at your job or business, you must have heard a lot of people tell you to chase after a healthy mind and body, right? 

Well, that is exactly the case with the vehicles in your fleet as well. 

When your vehicles are working hard on the field, it is important for you to take care of them as well. After all, if you keep pushing them, their productivity will definitely fall, and you don’t want that, do you? 

Good vehicle health monitoring systems also play a critical role in maintaining the minimum possible repair costs on the road. The right parameter evaluation will help you not only avoid breakdowns but also keep your vehicles in the best possible shape to get the most productivity. 

What’s more is that when your vehicles are functioning in the healthiest state, you can improve their mileage and hence, reduce operational costs as well. Vehicle health tracking will also constantly give you the peace of mind that things are going in the right direction in your fleet. And isn’t that something that everyone wants to begin with? 

So, if you are looking to smartly invest in your fleet and its operations, the best thing for you to do is to invest in a vehicle health tracking system. After all, this one investment will positively impact multiple areas of your operations.  

Monitoring your vehicle’s health is a smart investment in the future. By taking action to prevent problems before they occur, you can save yourself money, time, and hassle in the long run.

Features of a Vehicle Health Monitoring System

Vehicle health monitoring can be very diverse. From simply monitoring to taking action, there’s a lot to expect. When you are using the best fleet management system out there to manage your vehicle health monitoring system, you can expect the following things: 

  • Real-time Vehicle Health Tracking: Track what is happening in your vehicle in real time. In case the vehicle detects the tyre pressure falling or the engine heating up too quickly, it will notify you right away! 
  • Malfunction Alerts: The vehicle health tracking system will send the right people the right notifications and alerts whenever it sees any aspect of your vehicles falling apart. 
  • Automated Maintenance: Since the system is able to track and notify the right people about issues in your fleet, it also plays a huge role in vehicle maintenance management. It can automate service scheduling according to the vehicle’s performance. 
  • Insightful Reports: There are three prominent reasons why insightful reports are so important. They help you see how frequently your vehicles are breaking down, why that is happening, and they also help you track your drivers’ performance. It is an overall improvement zone for your fleet!

Benefits of vehicle health monitoring system

Benefits of Vehicle Health Tracking Systems

By now you must have had a clear idea of how important vehicle health tracking systems are. After all, they help you see so much more about your vehicles – something that will otherwise go unnoticed. 

From avoiding potential dangers to analysing everything more comprehensively, there is a lot that vehicle health monitoring can do. So, let’s see how your fleet can benefit from it: 

  • Avoid Vehicle Downtime: Obviously, when your vehicle will be breaking down a lot less frequently, your fleet’s downtime will reduce massively. Vehicle health monitoring is the best way to save the invisible costs of vehicle downtime and idling. 
  • Avoid Expensive Repairs: You can fix a problem before it gets bad enough to completely change hardware. For example, if you know that a tyre has low pressure, you can fix it before it gets completely torn – saving you money on emergency repairs. 
  • Prolong Your Vehicles’ Life: The better a vehicle is maintained, the longer its life would be. And we don’t need to tell you how important it is to get the most out of your assets, right? A vehicle’s life could be increased by 2-3 years with vehicle health management. 
  • Boost Safety in Your Fleet: Since the system will warn you if your vehicles are about to break down, you save your vehicle, driver, consignment, and everyone else on the road by avoiding dangerous breakdowns. TrackoBit improves vehicle safety!
  • Better Goodwill: Vehicle health monitoring systems can save you a lot of money because of the goodwill good vehicles help establish. You are likely to get cheaper insurance premiums and more clients because your fleet is scotch-free! 

How Does TrackoBit’s Vehicle Health Monitoring System Work?

TrackoBit, as a leading fleet management software, doesn’t only offer top-notch vehicle monitoring systems but also manages vehicle health. It tracks some of the following metrics to make sure that managers are always aware of what’s going on under the hood: 

  • Engine Health: The software looks deeply into how well an engine is performing, how strong the transmission is, and how much it is heating up with every use. All these parameters are recorded in the software, and managers are notified whenever the problem is too big to be ignored. 
  • Tyre Pressure: TrackoBit’s tyre pressure monitoring system is powerful in understanding tyre pressures and how they affect the vehicle. No abnormally high or low-pressure reading is taken lightly. 
  • Fuel Level: How much fuel a vehicle is consuming is a direct consequence of its health. TrackoField connects to your vehicles’ fuel level sensors and understands how much fuel it is consuming. The vehicle health management systems compute appropriate reasons why the result of these tests might be too high. 
  • Sensor Reports: The more sensors you install in your fleet, the more information you will get from the road. In case any sensor stops sending information to the software, the manager is informed. 
  • Maintenance: you can fill in manual maintenance schedules in the system. However, if any aspect of the vehicle is malfunctioning, the system will recommend scheduling a maintenance visit accordingly. 

Summing Up

Vehicle health monitoring systems can make or break the way your fleet functions. After all, healthy vehicles always lead to healthy fleet business. If you want your business to grow exponentially, you need to embrace all this new technology and automate the vehicle maintenance and management process. 

So, what are you waiting for?

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Vehicle Health Monitoring System: Benefits, Features & How it Works?
Ayushi Nagalia

Ayushi Nagalia is a Senior Content Specialist at TrackoBit. She is passionate about music, writing, and reading. When not abusing her keyboard, you will find her lost in her playlists or organizing th...Read More

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