What is a G-sensor in Dashcams? Benefits & How They Work

  • Author:Nandita Gupta
  • Read Time:10 min
  • Published:
  • Last Update: September 19, 2024
What is a G-sensor in dashcams How does it work

Heard a lot about G-sensors dashcams? Read the ins and outs of how exactly g-sensor dash cams work and record crucial on-road events.

Dashcams are not a new concept for the fleet operating industry. Fleets in all industries are using them and are leveraging them to gather evidence against risky on-road events. If you’ve looked into installing them yourself, that’s a great move!

If you are one of those hesitant fleet owners, we want to introduce you to special g-sensor dashcams. These ones are ahead of the regular dashcams — they are quite affordable and very simple to start using.

So let’s get an overview of what g sensors dashcams are, how they work. We will also cover the benefit in protecting your fleet from theft and oh, most importantly accidental claims.

What are G-Sensors in Dashcams?

G-sensors are accelerometers attached to the AI dashcams that help measure acceleration forces in multiple axes. Such forces represent a gravitational force that indicates changes in direction or speed and even detects movement.

All in all, the purpose of the G Sensor in a dashcam is to monitor drivers’ behaviour and trigger alerts whenever there are events of sudden or harsh acceleration, abrupt braking, or collisions. This helps keep up with drivers’, fleet, and pedestrians’ safety.

REDTIGER F9 Dash Cam, Qubo Car Dash Camera Pro, and HIFFIN RoadCam X2 Dual are a few of the best-selling G sensor dashcams in the market.

What are G Sensor Dash cams?

G-sensor dash cams are AI-enabled dashcams that have in-built accelerometers, often used to record and save live footage of on-road events, sudden vehicle movement, and serious impacts.

These star dashcams come with a great deal of sensitivity that needs to be well-adjusted and regulated to start covering crucial events.

What is Gravity Sensor Sensitivity?

The gravity sensor sensitivity defines how responsive the sensors are to recording a motion, impact, or event. Adjusting the settings for sensitivity is important to ensure as it defines how and when the cam would start recording the events.

Here are some factors that must be considered while aligning the G-sensor sensitivity settings.

1. Sensitivity should be adjustable & balanced

Firstly, every G-sensor dash cam device must offer the convenience of adjusting the sensitivity level. It should be adjusted so that every event or impact is recorded.

If the settings are adjusted as highly sensitive, the cam will record each and every insignificant event, filling the storage space unnecessary. Imagine if the drivers are driving on a bumpy road with many speed breakers and the cam records each impact. Don’t you think it would be a waste?

On the flip side, you cannot keep the sensitivity too low, otherwise, it will miss out on critical incidents like bumps or sharp collisions.

So…What are the Recommended Settings?

  • For Impact Sensitivity – It’s often recommended between 0.5g to 1.5g for normal driving conditions.
  • For Parking Mode Sensitivity – It’s often recommended higher between 0.1g to 0.5g so that even minor events can be captured when the vehicle is parked.
Is a G-Sensor Different from an Accelerometer?

People use both the terms “accelerometer” and “G-sensor” interchangeably. Both of them are used to measure changes in the acceleration along different axes.

If we have to find the difference between the two, well, accelerometer refers to a general term for a sensor that detects acceleration. Whereas, the term “G-sensor” is commonly used in dash cams to describe an accelerometer. It is specifically calibrated for automotive applications, detecting sudden movements or impacts experienced by the vehicle in relation to Earth’s gravity.

G Sensors Sensitivity in Difference Scenarios

High Sensitivity The camera will capture from smaller to crucial events. The only downside, it will also capture minor disturbances like speed breakers, potholes, and small jerks, taking unnecessary space.
Medium Sensitivity (the recommended one) The sensitivity when balanced, it avoids capturing lots of false triggers and just captures the crucial events.
Low Sensitivity When the sensitivity is set as very low, there are chances of capturing more false positives and missing crucial impacts.

2. Leads to More Storage and Overwriting

Adjusting the sensitivity of the G-Sensor has a direct impact on how well it stores the footage. You will find many outdated dashcams that overwrite data once the storage is full. Finding appropriate sensitivity is important to ensure that only significant events are captured, locked, and preserved while efficiently utilising the storage space.

3. Context-Specific Settings

Market-offered dash cams also offer context-specific sensitivity settings. This allows them to behave differently based on the different driving or parking scenarios.

This level of adaptability helps you enjoy more precise recording across various driving conditions. You need to correctly understand the G-sensors and their level of sensitivity. Because it will help you experience a smart tool that tailors according to driving environment.

Benefits of Installing G-sensor Dashcams

Benefits of Installing G-sensor Dashcams

Benefits of a G-sensor Dash Cams – Why to Get Them?

G-sensor dashcams are the best investment for fleet managers who are responsible for managing operations with multiple trucks and consignments. And are constantly worried about their safety and security. Here is how these genius dashcams add to their safety needs.

a) Evidence for Accidents

Accidents on the road are inevitable. But who was at fault – that turns out into a heated argument. These smart dashcams are your eye witnesses. They can help your fleet drivers stay corrected on who was at fault. Was it him or the other vehicle owner? The footage recorded in these cams provides a clear answer.

b) Safe Driving at All Costs

What if we tell you that these dashcams are psychic? Don’t psych yourself out. We mean to say these advanced AI-powered dashcams are smartly built to pre-detect the events of:

  • Driver losing focus.
  • Falling asleep.
  • Constantly on his phone.

It detects any driver behavior that’s outright risky. They can also alert your drivers when they start drifting out of their lane, dropping speed or so. Isn’t it like preventing accidents before they arise?

c) No More Insurance Fraud

Do you know that 70% of accidents are not of your fleet drivers?

But sadly, most of the time, it’s your truck drivers who are often victimised and proven guilty in front of the insurance officers. This is why insurance companies are encouraging fleet-centric businesses to install good quality dashcams that can help resolve the blame game.

When your drivers are proved innocent, imagine how many thousands of dollars you will be saving.

d) Visibility of Parked Vehicles

Parked fleet vehicles are at more risk of getting robbed. You can easily activate the parking mode and enable the recording when the vehicle is getting manhandled.

You won’t believe it, but these cameras are so good at detecting harsh movements or pushes that burglars put to break into the vehicle.

How do G Sensors in Dashcams Work

Working of G sensors dashcams

How do G-Sensor Dash Cams Work? The Complete Mechanism

Here’s how dash cams with G-Sensor work — all laid out step by step:

Step 1 – Event Detection

Firstly, the G-sensors in dash cams measure acceleration forces along the X, Y, and Z axes whenever the vehicle is in motion.

Step 2 – Normal Monitoring

Whenever the vehicle is operating at normal speed and routine, the sensor records stable, minor fluctuations in acceleration.

Step 3 – Event Triggers & Alarms

Whenever there is a sudden change in speed or direction like collision, hard braking, or maybe sharp turns, the sensors detect a spike and indicate it as a harsh acceleration or deceleration.

Step 4 – Threshold Exceeded Alerts

The dashcams whenever experience forces exceed a pre-set threshold, it recognize such events as significant events.

Step 5 – Recording Activation

The gravity-based vehicle dashcams automatically start recording or marking the current video segment for protection.

Step 6 – File Locking

The captured or recorded footage is further locked to prevent it from getting overwritten by loop recording.

Step 7 – Storage Without Overwriting Footage

The saved footage, containing the moments leading up to, during, and after the event, is stored for later review.

These stages in the working of G-sensor dashcams ensure that all the critical events are captured and preserved. So they can serve as valuable evidence in case of accidents.

Top Features Your Gravity Sensor Dashcams Must Offer

Make sure to invest in a top-grade G sensor dashcam that offers you features for high video quality, on-time alerts, and other aspects to ensure safety — proactively.

1. Automatic Event Detection

Your invested dashcam should be fast and agile. It should record sudden impacts, sharp turns, or any rapid acceleration and deceleration as they happen – without any delay.

2. Loop Recording

Make sure it offers capabilities to continuously record events even over the oldest files while safely locking event-triggered videos so they are not overwritten.

3. High-Definition Video

HD quality is a must. It should capture clear footage of events in high resolution for events as intricate as road signs or number plates.

4. Wide-Angle Lens

Go for a dashcam that provides a broad field view so there is a better view of the road’s surroundings.

5. Night Vision

Should be equipped with infrared or low-light sensors to capture clear footage even in low-light conditions.

6. Parking Mode

The best dashcams with gravity sensitivity must offer you great support to protect vehicles when they are in the parking mode. It should start recording whenever any event or movement is detected around the vehicle.

Moreover, make sure the one you are planning to buy offers the following types of parking surveillance:

Buffered Parking Mode The dash cams start recording whenever there is some sudden movement when the vehicle is parked.
Time Lapse Parking Mode
  • In this time-lapse parking mode, the camera starts recording continuously at a lower frame rate, generating a time-lapse video of the parked period.
  • This mode is helpful when you want to record the entire parking scenario without consuming much storage space.
  • Very suitable for capturing slowly graduating situations or when the parking duration is longer (maybe overnight).
Impact and Motion Detection Mode
  • This mode uses both the G-Sensor and motion sensors of the dashcam. But it stays in a standby state until a motion or jerk is suspected.
  • This mode helps record special incidents like break-ins or hit-and-run accidents.

7. GPS Integration

It should track location and speed, which should be automatically embedded into the video for more added context.

8. Dual-Channel Recording

It should record from both front and rear cameras simultaneously, so you can get more comprehensive coverage.

9. Easy File Transfer

It should allow quick access to videos via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or SD card for easy review and sharing.

10. User-Friendly Interface

Should have simple controls and a clear display so it gets easy to handle and operate them.

Enhance Drivers & Fleet Safety with Video Telematics Solutions

Managing a fleet is a risky endeavor that every fleet manager is aware of. However, the safe, optimum, and efficient operation of the fleet is possible if fleet managers are smart, strategic, and savvy toward the latest technology and software.

This is why it’s recommended to install dash cam-equipped G-sensors if you haven’t already. If you are taking a step to install these smart dashcams, cheers to your bravo decision.

But…but, but. Whenever you do it, make sure you pair it with smart video telematics solutions like TrackoBit. An enterprise-ready telematics software that can help relay the in-cabin footage over a unified dashboard. Not just with the video, it will also help you with route planning, fuel management, mileage tracking, detailed driver behaviour analysis, and lots more.

Intrigued? Would you like to take a quick tour of your product?

Get in touch today!

FAQs on Gravity Sensor Dash cams & How they Work

  • What are gravity sensor dashcams?

    Gravity sensor dashcams automatically record and save footage when sudden impacts or movements are detected, enhancing vehicle safety.

  • Where is the G-sensor located in a dash cam?

    Dash cams built with gravity sensors are usually located within the main circuit board of the camera. It is typically near the camera that is placed near the lens and the image sensor.
    This placement supports the accurate detection of changes in acceleration and impacts during driving. This enables it to effectively capture and record critical events on the road.

  • What does a G sensor dashcam do?

    The G-Sensor in a dash cam detects sudden changes in motion or impact, such as during an accident or abrupt braking.
    Moreover, it triggers the dashcam to save the footage without getting overwritten so it can be reviewed later.

  • What is the future of Dashcam-equipped G Sensors?

    In the future, we can see these dashcams getting optimally used in every industry where fleet-centric operations are carried out. These devices will have maximised sensitivity, and prices will become reasonable too.

What is a G-sensor in Dashcams? Benefits & How They Work

Nandita Gupta

Nandita is the Team Lead for Content Marketing at TrackoBit, bringing over a decade of experience in B2B, B2C, and IoT sectors. She has a proven track record of helping software companies evolve into well-known brands. She specializes in writing and marketing SaaS products, including Field Employee Tracking Software, Telematics Software, AI, and Geospatial technology. When she's not strategizing, writing, or leading her team, you’ll likely find her diving into a new book, exploring marketing trends, or staying active at the gym. When she’s not strategizing, writing, or leading her team, you’ll likely find her diving into new reads, exploring trending topics, or hitting the gym.

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