We’re thrilled to introduce some exciting additions and updates to TrackoField, the field force management software! Our latest enhancements include an updated analytics dashboard for improved functionality and ease of use.
4 Major Updates on the TrackoField App in July
1. Customer and Geofence Experience Revamp
Update: In the new version, you can now see we have separated the customer and geofence functionalities. We have revamped the customer and geofence experience, focusing on better UX and improved performance.
- Multiple Customers per Geofence: You can create multiple customers from a single geofence.
- Independent Customer Creation: Customers can now be created separately, with or without a geofence.
- Now Generate Geofence In/Out reports specifically for designated companies.

Add Customer- TrackoField Dashboard
Upon Clicking on Create New Geofence, the “Geofence” Modal opens and allows the user to create and add geofence without changing the screen

Geofense -TrackoField Dashboard
2. Field Employees Can Now “Reset Password”
Update: The “reset password” option is added to the log-in screen.
Benefit: Field executives will receive password change requests immediately after first login.
3. “No Tracking” Settings on Team Level
Update: Now the line manager can decide whether he wants to track his team or not.
Benefit: Earlier only the root manager could decide. Since a company has multiple teams, each team’s line manager can now enable the “no tracking” setting as per need and use case.

Add Team – TrackoField DashBoard
4. Dropdown for Reschedule Reasons
Update: Now managers can see a custom drop-down list carrying reasons for rescheduling reasons while rescheduling tasks.

Task Reschedule Reason – TrackoField Dashboard
Other Updates:
- We have added a Measurement/Weight Option in the sales order module.
- For better managerial oversight, we have added 3 new columns —“Manager Name,” “Manager Email ID,” and “FE Email ID” to all reports. (FE= Field Employee)
- Added visual activity images in manual distance calculation using odometer in Activity Report.
- During the TrackoField signup or company’s account creation process, a default form will now be automatically created. A move to make the initial setup process more efficient.
Updates & Bug Fixes for GMT, Reports & Task Features
- Added functionality in the web interface to select task descriptions via dropdowns that can be tailored to specific needs.
- Now there is a “Custom List Selection ” while Rescheduling Tasks for field teams.
- The Sales Order Management module now has GST details and pending amounts featuring under a ‘Taxes’ label on the UI.
- Now there is an option to upload signatures as task completion proof.
- Integrated the unit ‘MILES’ in the Conveyance module.
- Added Follow Up (Clone Task) feature to Task Module.
- Introduced direct task creation from the Customer List Screen in Android.
- Added validation to hide future tasks beyond 7 days from executives in online and offline scenarios.
Stay tuned for more exciting updates on the TrackoField App!