Server Connection

  • Indian Region
  • Rest of the World
  • Server Port 8647

Basic Information

  • Purpose Vehicle
  • Weight 100 g (3.53oz.)

Connectivity Information

  • Roaming Status Yes

Locational Information

  • GNSS Signal Level Yes


  • Built-in odometer Yes


  • Geofencing
  • Parking Mode
  • ADC sensors
  • Remote management via GPRS
  • Driver identification
  • Digital sensors
  • Remote management via SMS

Events Monitored

  • Deviation from the route
  • Distance between objects
  • Entrance or exit from geofence
  • Excessive driving
  • Excessive parking
  • GSM jamming
  • Low battery
  • Parking state detection
  • Speeding (platform related)
  • Task status change
  • Tracker switched OFF or lost connection